The Asian Commercial Sex Scene

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JoeWhite1 25-12-2022 07:42 AM

I was 19 when it happened. 19 and living away from home for the first time. Home was a mum and dad and a conservative upbringing that kept me on a very tight rein. No late nights, no wild parties, no straying from the straight and narrow path of good clean living that they decided. Well, of course, I had tried my best to rebel against their rules and such a constricted lifestyle, but the best I was able to do was snog a spotty boy one time when we were on holiday at the seaside and they had gone shopping and had left me with strict instructions not to stay too long in the sun and to make sure that I didn’t get sunburned as I have fair skin and burn easily in the sun. Of course, I took advantage of their absence to chat to a boy who was sunbathing near me and we ended up snogging in the dunes behind the beach. I was 16, and that was the extent of my rebellion – until I was 19.

My name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liz. I was an only child and after I finished my A levels at a 6th Form College near where I lived, I was accepted by my first choice of university. Actually, it wasn’t really MY first choice, but my parents’. They had decided that I should apply to a university where I would not have to live in student accommodation, but where I could be supervised by my grandfather. Grandad lived alone after my granny had died a few years ago. My parents had offered him the option of selling his house and coming to live with us, so he came to live with us as a trial, but after he came and stayed for a few months, he declared that he preferred to manage on his own, and returned to his own house. While he was living with us, I found that he was quiet and slightly reserved when he was around me, but as I was busy studying for my A levels, I didn’t really have a lot of time to interact with him. The fact that he lived in a city far from my home town meant that over the years, I had never seen him and granny a lot, so he was a semi-stranger in my life.

It was fortunate that he had decided to return to live alone as it meant that I could live with him when I was accepted in the university in his town. Well, my parents thought it was ideal which is why they insisted that I should apply to that university as my first choice. I wasn’t sure how much freedom I would have living with grandad, but I did know that it would have to be better than living at home, so I mentally shrugged and resigned myself to yet more years of close adult supervision. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised when I finally started my first term at uni and was left alone with my grandad by my parents.

Grandad was 70 years old and I was 18, so I was afraid that we would not get along. In fact, I couldn’t have been more wrong. It was the end of September when I moved into his house, and began my new life as a university student. The weeks flew by and I barely noticed that grandad didn’t lay down lots of rules for me to follow. It was only when I went back home for Christmas that I realised how free I was living with him compared to living with my parents. For one thing, he didn’t ask me to recount in detail what I had done every day which as one of my parent’s common habits. Another thing was that he didn’t give me a strict time when I had to come home. Instead, he gave me a key to his house and advised me about the times of the buses that passed there. I have to admit that I was a little scared to go out alone at night because my parents had never permitted me to do so. However, when one of the girls I had met in a lecture asked me to go to a party, I was really excited to see what real student life was like, so I finally plucked up courage and asked my grandad if I could go. Imagine how surprised I was when he nodded and told me to make sure I dressed warmly as the nights were getting shorter and the weather had turned chilly. I was nervous and shy at the party, and I didn’t stay late, but I began to think that maybe living with grandad was not so bad after all.

My second term passed almost as quickly as the first one, and I found that I had made several friends who included me in their social life. Grandad never enquired too deeply about where I was going when I joined them on visits to local pubs or to the cinema. My life at that time might appear to have been boring to some people, but to me it was a taste of freedom that I had been denied for so long. However, one thing that was missing was romance or even a date with a boy alone. I always went with a group of friends but none of the boys seemed keen to ask me to go out with them alone. This made me feel a little insecure, but at the same time I was a little relieved because I had had no experience with boys apart from that one time when I was 16 at the beach.

At the end of the second term, I had my 19th birthday in April. Grandad took me to a restaurant in town for a nice lunch and asked me if I would like a glass of wine with the meal. I knew that this would horrify my parents, but I nodded that I would like some, so he ordered a bottle of white wine. Although I had been to pubs several times with my new friends, I had always been careful not to drink more than a few small bottles of alcohol mixed with juice, and I had never been drunk. I had never tasted wine, and I had no idea of how drinking more than a few glasses would affect me. I felt woozy by the time we had finished the meal, and on the bus home I felt drowsy and laid my head on grandad’s shoulder.

As we got off the bus, I staggered slightly, and grandad put his arm around my shoulder to steady me. That is how we walked the short distance to the house where we lived together. Once inside, I had to pee, so I headed straight for the toilet downstairs while grandad went upstairs to use the main bathroom. When I had finished, I did not feel like climbing the stairs, but I did want to rest. It was a lovely spring day, with no clouds in the sky, a very gentle breeze and the sunshine was warm enough to feel good after the long winter days, so I opened the back door and went into the garden. I slumped into a wicker garden chair and put my legs up on the small table in front of it. Then, because it felt good in the sunshine, I kicked off my shoes and pulled my dress up to bare my thighs. That’s how grandad found me when he came back downstairs.

The next thing I knew was that he was speaking to me.

“I think you’d better put some sun block on or you’ll get sunburned.”

I nodded sleepily and kept my eyes closed.

I opened them briefly as I felt him rub sun block on my feet and calves. Then I felt him move up my legs and begin to cover my thighs with lotion. It felt good, so I sighed sleepily and almost like a reflex, I spread my legs apart to allow grandad to protect my sensitive skin. His strong hands caressing my thighs felt good and I suddenly I could feel myself becoming hot and flushed. I had a strange feeling in my stomach and I had an urge to push my bottom up off the chair. Through half-closed eyes, I could see grandad’s face as he worked the sun block into my fair skin. He was moving his hands in small circular motions and his breathing was uneven. Slowly, his hands moved up my legs and I spread them further apart to allow him to gain access to where I could feel myself becoming damp.

Slowly, and hesitantly, his hands moved upward towards my knickers which by now I knew were showing signs of my arousal. I wanted to take his hand and put it on my knickers and rub me, but I was afraid that I would frighten him if I did that, so I kept me eyes shut and pretended to be asleep.

Finally, one hand crept up and touched the damp spot on my knickers. Then a finger began to explore and rub up and down, touching my sensitive clit as it did. I couldn’t remain silent as my grandad stroked me and pressed against my clit. I moaned softly, which made him freeze and stop rubbing. However, I kept my eyes tightly closed and soon the finger began to stimulate me again.

I was able to peek at him without him noticing, and I was shocked to see that as he was fingering me through my knickers with his left hand, his right hand was wrapped round his cock that he had somehow managed to release from his trousers. The sight of him wanking his hard cock, and the pressure from his finger on my clit were too much and suddenly, I shuddered and gasped as my orgasm hit.

Immediately, my grandad reacted by stopping fingering me and stuffing his cock back into his trousers. Then he pulled my dress down, and walked back into the house.

I was so aroused that I wanted to follow him and ask to see his cock, but I wasn’t sure how he would react, so I stayed sitting in the warm sunshine and recovering from the intense orgasm I had just experienced.

At the same time, I knew that I would not be satisfied until I had found some way to make something more happen between us as soon as possible.

FatSpider 25-12-2022 09:06 AM

Re: 19
wtf did i just read

myfairlady 25-12-2022 09:39 AM

Re: 19
True story?

hccheonger 25-12-2022 10:03 AM

Re: 19
Incest! You're Asian?

candle2000 25-12-2022 11:33 AM

Re: 19

Originally Posted by hccheonger (Post 21927248)
Incest! You're Asian?

Maybe the protagonist is an adopted child :D

otamay 26-12-2022 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by hccheonger (Post 21927248)
Incest! You're Asian?

Asian living in the west?

funfox 26-12-2022 11:11 AM

Re: 19
Interesting relationship brewing 😋

ml1138 28-12-2022 09:25 AM

Re: 19
Wow!!! another good writer, camping for more update..:)

heartbroke 30-12-2022 06:10 PM

Re: 19
Granddad!! Gosh. Only in dreams..

JoeWhite1 14-06-2023 03:38 PM

Re: 19
However, for the next few weeks, I had no time for anything else apart from studying for the end of term exams. When I wasn’t in a lecture, I could be found in the library revising and trying to make sense of the notes I had taken during lectures. I usually caught a bus early in the morning and returned to grandad’s house late at night. Food was the furthest thing on my mind during those few frantic weeks, consisting mainly of a piece of toast and a cup of tea for breakfast, with a sandwich for lunch and a bar of Cadbury’s chocolate to give me energy in the afternoon. At night, I was too tired to think about eating, and after brushing my teeth, I said goodnight to grandad who was always awake waiting until I came home, and fell into bed.

This routine lasted until the end of May when exams began. The next two weeks were even more intense with exams every two days, but finally in the middle of June, I was free from all pressure of studying and exams.

Naturally, I became ill.

Weeks of not eating properly, not getting enough sleep, and worrying about my exams all contributed to making me ill.

I did not have any specific symptoms apart from having a slight fever, feeling weak and unable to get out of bed. When grandad did not see me for 10 hours after my last exam ended at midday, he knocked tentatively on my bedroom door.

“Are you all right Liz?” he asked with concern in his voice.

“I don’t feel well” I replied weakly.

“Can I come in?”

“Yes please. I don’t feel well”

And my grandad opened the door of my bedroom and entered.

I was usually very tidy, but with the pressure of exams, I had let my bedroom become a bit messy. There were books and notes open on my desk, and scattered on the floor were the clothes I had worn that morning and which I had taken off before crawling naked into bed to sleep.

Grandad asked me why I had not come downstairs all day, and why I had not let him know earlier that I was unwell.

I told him that I just felt exhausted and weak from the past few weeks focusing on studying and exams, but that I would probably be ok in the morning.

Grandad sat beside me on the bed and put his hand on my forehead to check if I had a temperature. He nodded as he could feel that I was a little hot, and he offered to bring me some paracetamol to reduce my temperature.

He also said that he would make me a cup of tea and some toast and that I needed to eat in order to help me get well.

With that, he got off the bed and started to walk to the door, but then he stopped. I wondered why he had not left the room, but I soon saw what he was doing. He was picking up the clothes I had discarded on the floor before I got into bed. He draped my jeans and T-shirt over his left arm and then picked up my socks with his left hand. Finally, using his right hand, he picked up my bra and knickers. As he did so, I saw that he raised his right hand and he took a deep breath through his nose.

My grandad was sniffing my knickers!

Then, as if nothing had happened, he turned to me and said that he would put my clothes in the washing machine and hang them to dry later. Saying that, he left my bedroom.

About 15 minutes later, I heard his footsteps as he climbed the stairs and then came into the bedroom through the door he had left open when he took my clothes downstairs. He carried a tray with a glass of water, a cup of tea and a plate that was toast by the smell.

Setting the tray down on my bedside cabinet, he popped two paracetamol tablets from the strip on the tray and told me to sit up so that he could give me the pills for my headache.

I tried feebly to sit up, but I was not able to raise myself from my prone position on my back. So, seeing how I was unable to sit up, grandad sat beside me and putting his arm around my shoulders, he helped me to sit up.

However, what I had forgotten was that I had crawled into bed naked after throwing my clothes on the floor.

Grandad did not seem to notice that he was supporting my naked back, or that my boobs were fully visible as the duvet fell down. Instead, he told me to open my mouth and put the medicine into it. Then taking the glass of water, he held it to my lips while I drank enough to cause the pills to be swallowed.

And all this time, grandad’s left arm was supporting my shoulders to keep my body sitting half upright. Although it was obvious that I was naked, there seemed to be no reaction from my grandad, so I did not try to cover myself.

Then, grandad reached beside him to the tray and passed me the plate with a slice of buttered toast. I placed the plate on my lap and taking the piece of toast, I raised it to my lips and began to nibble it. As I did so, grandad placed the cup of tea on the plate on my lap.

Now, it became obvious that I could not eat the toast and drink the tea at the same time, so grandad took the toast from my hand so that I could use it to drink the tea.

The two of us concentrated on helping me to eat toast and drink tea until I said that I had had enough.

Grandad placed what was left of the toast on the plate and took the cup from me. Then he replaced them on the tray. I was about to try to lie down again, but grandad stopped me.

“You have crumbs of toast on you. If you lie down, the crumbs will be uncomfortable and make it difficult to sleep.”

With that, he began to brush the crumbs from my chin and my upper body.

Of course, his hand touched my boobs as he did this.

Instantly, my nipples were erect and I could feel a hot flush spread through my boobs. My face was flushed also, and my pussy began to tingle as my breath came in short pants.

Seemingly oblivious to how his touch was affecting me, grandad continued to remove invisible crumbs from my boobs.

I shuddered as he stroked my boobs and rubbed my erect nipples, and could not prevent a sigh from escaping from my lips.

Then he said that some of the crumbs had probably fallen into the bed, so we should make sure that there were none in the bed that could disturb my sleep.

Saying this, he pulled down the duvet and exposed my body to the air.

All this time, he was holding me with his left arm, so now his right hand started to search for any crumbs of toast that might have fallen into the bed. He was very thorough in his search, making sure that he brushed my stomach clean of any small pieces of toast.

Then, he moved his hand down and as if really searching for crumbs, he began to stroke my thighs.

I could not help myself as I spread my legs open as if to assist in this search for what might keep me from sleeping well.
Both grandad and I kept up the pretence of him trying to clear my body and the bed of crumbs as his right hand slowly searched between my thighs.

The sensation of his touch was almost unbearable and I raised my bum involuntarily. This brought my pussy which was slick with my juices into contact with his probing fingers.

In silence, my grandad began to rub my pussy, searching for my clit. As he slowly began to rub me there, I could no longer contain my excitement and began to moan.

The sounds that I made encouraged my grandad to rub harder and soon I was about to explode with ecstasy. What drove me over the edge was that grandad’s left hand had reached around me and had found my left nipple which he squeezed and fondled.

I groaned and writhed as my orgasm hit and slowly relaxed.

Grandad did not say anything, but released my body from his left hand and laying me down on my back, he pulled the duvet back up.

Then silently, he walked to the door, switched off the light, leaving me to try to sleep while wondering what might happen next.

Because now I was sure that there would be a next time.

SerflySGR 14-06-2023 04:36 PM

Re: 19
Isn't Joe White Steve McGarrett's CO?

Karaja 14-06-2023 05:20 PM

Re: 19
Thrilling to read, waiting for more :D

CDNsa 15-06-2023 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by SerflySGR (Post 22412694)
Isn't Joe White Steve McGarrett's CO?

Hahaha yes.

SerflySGR 15-06-2023 02:46 PM

Re: 19

Originally Posted by CDNsa (Post 22414741)
Hahaha yes.

Aha! Bro CDNsa! You got the joke.

Didn't really like how the story ended for Kono Kalakaua (Grace Park).

Ok, returning this thread back to Mr Joe White.

iJiakMai 18-06-2023 11:27 PM

Re: 19
Nice, camping for next episode! :)

Thebestyo 14-07-2023 10:47 PM

Re: 19
Hi TS! Any updates? I love your story! :)

JoeWhite1 19-07-2023 12:29 AM

Re: 19
Currently on vacation. No updates until mid-August

ladysing 19-07-2023 03:25 PM

Re: 19
wha the fuck did I just read...

BeerKeg 19-07-2023 03:53 PM

Re: 19

Originally Posted by JoeWhite1 (Post 22503099)
Currently on vacation. No updates until mid-August

I'll camp here :D

fillerup 19-07-2023 03:57 PM

Re: 19
CB, you copy and paste from which sex story site?

RevenantsFall 20-07-2023 11:16 AM

Re: 19

Originally Posted by fillerup (Post 22504332)
CB, you copy and paste from which sex story site?

LOL LOL. not sure if this is true story

JoeWhite1 23-10-2023 04:43 AM

Re: 19
I was hardly able to sleep because my mind kept returning to what had just happened. I had enjoyed how my grandad had made me cum and I wanted more, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it happen. This was the second time he had made me cum and both times I had been passive. I had not objected or tried to stop him, but I had not actively responded as he managed to make me aroused.

The first time, I had seen him stroke his cock, so I knew that what he was doing to me was also arousing for him. Earlier I had seen him sniff my knickers as he picked them up from the floor, and it was very obvious that my grandad was attracted to me sexually. Now I had to figure out some way that I could try to encourage him to continue and to see how I could return the favour to him.

The next morning, I was feeling better and I decided that I had to keep the sexual momentum going because I didn’t want to wait another year before a new unplanned opportunity to explore our sexual attraction occurred.

However, I also knew that I couldn’t simply tell my grandad that I loved the way that he had made me feel and that I wanted more. I had to be more subtle than that, yet I had to let him know that that was what I wanted.

So, I selected a long T-shirt that would cover me while emphasizing that I wasn’t wearing a bra, and also giving him the chance to see my bare bum whenever I bent over – and I intended to bend a lot.

I slipped on the T-shirt and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I knew my grandad would be sitting at the table, drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea and reading the news on his mobile. This was his normal morning routine, and had been ever since he retired. When my granny was alive, they would both sit and discuss the news that they read from different newspapers. She was a die-hard Guardian reader, while he was an avid reader of the Sun. I was surprised the first time I was old enough to realise how diametrically opposed politically those two newspapers were, and also how their approaches to the news were so different. However, it did not seem to bother either of them that the news they read was reported in such different styles.

Actually, when I asked my granny about it one summer when I was 15 and stayed with them for a month, she confided in me that my grandad claimed that he liked his news to be reported in a simple fashion, but that she knew he actually enjoyed looking at the photo of the topless models who were featured on page 3 every day.

Although she did not elaborate on what that meant, I was old enough to understand that my grandad was still interested in sex although he was approaching retirement age. Sadly, my granny died the next year when I was 16, so until I started university and began to live with my grandad, I had forgotten about his favourite news outlet. However, now I had tangible evidence that he was indeed interested in sex.

“Good morning grandad,” I said as I entered the kitchen and headed to the kettle to make myself some tea.

“Morning Liz, How are you feeling this morning?” he replied casually and without looking up from his mobile, as if nothing had happened in my bedroom the night before.

“I’m feeling much better, thanks” I replied. “I slept really well last night.”

Instead of referring to what had happened, he continued, “Oh, before I forget, I washed your clothes and hung them out to dry on the washing line in the garden. It’s such a lovely day that they will dry soon. I’ll bring them in and put them away when they’re dry.”

When he told me this, I glanced out of the kitchen window which looked out on the secluded back garden where only a few months before he had fingered me to orgasm.

I could see my jeans, T-shirt, bra and socks along with a few shirts and underwear belonging to my grandad hanging from the washing line and being moved gently in the breeze. However, what I could not see was any sign of the knickers I had seen him sniff as he picked up my dirty clothes from the bedroom floor the night before.

I was about to ask him what he had done with my knickers, when it suddenly dawned on me why he had said that he would bring in the clothes when they were dry. He did not want me to see that he had not washed my knickers and that he had probably kept them in his bedroom.

That thought made me more sure that I had to try to encourage him to continue to be more open and daring with his exploration of my body. And also, I wanted to see more of his cock that I had glimpsed him wanking as he fingered me to orgasm in the garden.

I suddenly realized that I was no longer the innocent girl who had only once kissed a boy when I was 16. Now, I was on the verge of exploring a different side of me that I had barely acknowledged existed, and this realization made me feel scared but also excited. I wanted more to happen, but I was not sure what ‘more’ meant or how I would feel if things became more intense.

I also realized that if I did not encourage him, it might be months before another opportunity like the first time and the night before could arise. So, I took a deep breath and began planning what I could do as I continued to make myself a cup of tea.

I did not actually manage to think of any convincing way to show my grandad that I was ready and interested to take things further, but of course fate intervened. At least, that’s what I told myself later.

What happened was that after making my cup of tea, I sat down on the right beside grandad who was still reading his newspaper. I asked him to pass me the milk which was on his left. Without looking up, he reached over with his left hand and passing the milk across his body meant to hand it to me. However, instead of setting the milk down on the table, he attempted to pour some into my tea.

As he was still focused on the newspaper, naturally his aim was off and instead of pouring some milk into my cup of tea, he poured it on my T-shirt.

The sudden shock of cold milk soaking into my T-shirt startled me and caused me to jump in surprise. As I did, my left hand hit the cup of hot tea and knocked it over. Most of the tea made a puddle on the table, but enough splashed on my grandad’s boxer shorts right in the crotch area.

Both grandad and I jumped up almost simultaneously and looked around hurriedly for something to mop up the spilt tea. I grabbed a cloth used for drying dishes while grandad reached for a box of tissues. Before I could do anything, he had already started to mop up the tea from the table top. When he had finished, he threw the wad of sodden tissues into the rubbish bin and then turned to me as I stood facing him.

The milk had soaked into my T-shirt from the neck down to my chest. I could feel the wet patch on my 34 B boobs and the thought that grandad could see them made my nipples harden. And grandad was standing in front of me looking intently at how my nipples tried to poke through the wet fabric.

I blushed and dropped my gaze in embarrassment even though I was secretly delighted that grandad was openly admiring my body. I knew that he was admiring it because I was able to see how his cock had made a tent in his boxers just where the tea had spilt.

On an impulse, I took the cloth for drying dishes that I still had in my hand and moved it towards that wet area of grandad’s boxers.

“I think we need to dry you off there,” I whispered, uncertain how he would react.

Grandad did not move away or try to stop me as my hands started to rub the towel over the area that the tea had spilt on. Of course, that was also the area where his cock had reacted to his staring at my boobs.

As I rubbed, I could feel that his cock had grown even harder with the stimulation I was providing. I had never done anything like this in my life before, but it seemed so natural to feel the warmth and hardness of his erect cock.

“Your boxers and my T-shirt are wet. Why don’t we take them off and we can wash them before the stains of tea and milk are too difficult to get out,” I suddenly suggested.

Before grandad could reply or protest, I had hooked my thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and swiftly jerked them down around his knees. He blinked in surprise, but then reached down to let them fall to his ankles and stepped out of them revealing his erect cock sticking straight out from his greying pubic hair.

As he did this, I crossed my arms and tugging the hem of my T-Shirt, I quickly pulled it over my head and tossed it on the chair beside me. Now we were both naked and facing each other.

Grandad’s cock was even harder than before as he was within touching distance of my boobs. I couldn’t resist reaching down and wrapping my fingers around his cock. I later learned that he was average size, but to me at that moment, his erect cock looked huge. It felt warm to the touch, and strangely soft as well as hard.

I started to stroke gently up and down the shaft, but then grandad placed his hand on mine and slowly pulled back his foreskin, and then gently showed me how to slide the foreskin up and down over his bulbous cockhead. After he was satisfied that I knew how to make him feel good, his right hand reached out to cup my left breast. He caressed it slowly and rolled the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Meanwhile his left hand had reached down to where I could feel myself becoming wetter by the minute, searching for my aching clit.

We stood facing each other, slowly caressing each other and not daring to look into the other person’s eyes.

As I became more confident with how hard I could stroke his cock, my grandad’s breath began to come in ragged gasps and his face reddened. His fingers felt so good on my clit, but I knew that I would not be able to keep stroking his stiff cock if he made me cum, so I gently moved his hand to cup my other tit.

The stimulation of feeling my firm young breasts and the action of my hand stroking his cock finally drove my grandad over the edge. He let out a series of grunts as he began to shoot streams of white cum which landed on my belly and dribbled down towards my legs.

Shaking with excitement at what I had just done, I smiled at my grandad and taking some tissues from the box on the table, I began to wipe myself clean. As I did so, my grandad released his hold on my breasts and put his hands behind my neck.

Then, pulling my face towards his, he kissed me on the mouth. Finally, he stooped and picked up his boxer shorts from the floor, and scooped up my T-shirt from the chair where I had tossed it.

Without a word, he turned around and walked towards the kitchen where the washing machine was.

Meanwhile, I stood watching his body walk away from me, while wondering what the consequences of what had just happened would be.

Chua Soi Lek 23-10-2023 07:48 AM

Re: 19
What a good fiction writer, full of imagination … carry on, pls … good read to release stress …

JoeWhite1 06-11-2023 02:17 AM

Re: 19
As grandad walked towards the kitchen to wash my T-shirt and his boxer shorts in the washing machine, I suddenly realized that we were both naked. I had deliberately not worn any knickers because I had planned to bend over a lot so that grandad could catch sight of my bum, and he had only been wearing his boxers as the morning was quite warm. Now with both garments being wet, they needed to be washed.

Grandad had not said anything after he had shot his cum on my belly, but he had kissed me on the mouth as a man and not as my grandad. I knew then that he would not refuse to continue our exploration of each other’s bodies, and I was sure that he would be able to teach me a lot about sex and how to please him.

With that thought, I followed him to the washing machine just as he had finished starting the washing cycle to clean the two pieces of clothes that held the evidence of the erotic scene that had just ended with him cumming on me and then kissing me lovingly.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke as confidently as I could, knowing that we had already crossed a line, but that if I did not speak, maybe he would act as if nothing had happened.

“Did you like that, grandad?”

As I spoke, he turned away from the washing machine to face me, and that’s when I saw the evidence that he had indeed liked what we had done. He did not need to say anything because his cock had begun to harden at the sound of my voice and at the sight of my naked body.

Seeing his cock start to become hard made my nipples respond in a similar fashion. Now, we faced each other and we both gazed on the evidence that we liked what we saw. At the same time, our breathing became more ragged and shallower, and betrayed the fact that we were aroused by the sight of each other’s body.

“Liz,” said grandad, “we need to talk.”

I nodded my agreement and my body jolted as he took my hand and led me to the living room. There, he gestured that I should sit on the sofa, while he sat beside me on my right when I had sat where he had indicated.

“I know that this is strange, and that for many people what we have done is taboo, but I can’t help myself ever since that day in the garden on your birthday and…well…” his voice tailed off.

“I know grandad. I know that it should be wrong, but I loved how you made me feel, and I wanted to feel more, and just now I wanted to make you feel as good as you made me feel.” My words came rushing out before he had a chance to continue.

“And you did, Liz. You made me feel so good. You can’t imagine how good you made me feel. Since my wife died, I never thought I’d feel such pleasure ever again, but just now with you, I felt so alive…so young again. Thank you, Liz. What you did was so marvellous and…” and once again his voice faltered and he stopped talking.

I was about to reply, but then I felt him shift his body slightly and his left thigh pressed against my right thigh. The touch of his naked skin on mine was enough to make me feel weak and horny at the same time.

I responded to his touch by leaning against his left arm, and then by resting my right hand on his left thigh. I was glad to see that he did not try to remove my hand and that his cock had twitched at my touch.

Becoming more bold, I slid my hand up his thigh until I was once more just touching the foreskin of his cock. He sighed and leaned back against the cushions of the sofa, closed his eyes and his mouth opened as I gently began to rub my hand up and down on his shaft.

However, the previous time, just a short time ago, was the only time I had ever held a cock in my hand, and it was such a new experience that I was uncertain if I might hurt him or if I was wanking him in a way that would please him.

I need not have worried, as grandad’s left hand moved to cover my right hand rubbing slowly up and down on his shaft. Then he whispered, “like this,” as he squeezed my hand slightly and moved it down so that the foreskin was uncovered. Then, he moved my hand upwards again so that the foreskin covered the bulging red head of his cock.

I soon got the idea that I needed to apply a little pressure and also uncover and cover his cock head again with his foreskin. As I did this, I was interested to feel how soft yet hard his cock was, and how a little liquid oozed out of the hole in the top of his cock. Although I had led a very sheltered and controlled life when I was growing up, I had received the obligatory sex education lessons in secondary school, so I knew the mechanics of sex, and I also knew that people called this liquid pre-cum. This pre-cum liquid made it easy to slide the foreskin up and down, and I was obviously doing the right thing because grandad moaned softly and breathed harder as I wanked him.

“A little faster,” he whispered still with his eyes closed. I obeyed, and my pace was rewarded with increased moans and heavier breathing.

On one level, I was aroused by the sight of his cock head disappearing and appearing as I wanked him; by the sound of his moans and heavy breathing; and by the liquid pre-cum seeping from the hole at the top of his cock. On another level, I was intrigued that I had such control over him that with just the motion of my hand I was able to deliver him so much pleasure.

Grandad spread his legs wider which allowed his cock to stand up more and to reveal his hairy balls.

“Touch me there,” grandad ordered. “But be gentle, this is a very sensitive part of a man’s body.”

I was almost afraid to do as he asked, but twisting around slightly, I reached across with my left hand and placed it on the two eggs resting between his open legs. The sensation was novel to me as I could feel them move slightly inside their sac of skin.

“Just caress them gently as you stroke me” grandad said.

So that is what I did, and I was rewarded with increasing sounds of his arousal.

I knew that this meant that he was about to cum, and I wanted to see what it looked like as he squirted his sperm, so I bent my head slightly so that I could see better. My position was a bit awkward, with my right hand tugging up and down on his cock, my left hand caressing his balls, and my head twisted to look at him cumming.

Then, suddenly, and without warning apart from a groan, grandad shot a rope of white cum straight upwards, followed by two more weaker spurts. But because of my posture and the way that my face was hovering over his cock in order to watch as he cummed, I caught the full blast of his sperm on my face. Of course, as the first jet of cum shot out of the hole in the top of his cock head, I automatically reacted and my reflexes kicked in, so I closed my eyes. Luckily, I did so as the jet of cum hit me somewhere on the bridge of my nose, and if my eyes had been open, I’m sure some would have gone into my eyes with painful results.

Now with his cum dripping down my face, I poked out my tongue and tentatively licked. I had thought that cum would taste disgusting, but I was wrong. Instead, it just tasted a little salty, but it was not unpleasant. It felt a little sticky, but I did not mind.

As soon as it was safe to open my eyes, I looked at grandad and smiled. My right hand was still grasping his now deflated cock and my left hand still clutched his balls gently. The whole tableau was like some scene from an art class exam where the students had to paint the scene as accurately as possible. Impossible to catch the emotions and the connection that existed in that moment between my grandad and me.

Grandad broke the spell. He grunted ‘let’s get you cleaned up.”

However, that was the last thing I wanted to do. Instead, I wanted to sit and savour the moment – to relive what had just happened because I knew that now we would never be able to turn back the clock.

We had opened the floodgates of sex and there could only be new avenues to explore, and new heights to scale. We had lost our innocence – we were no longer connected only by blood. Now we were connected by lust, and lust would have to be satisfied.

funfox 06-11-2023 02:04 PM

Re: 19
Solid post by TS on the forbidden thrills of lust and incest 😳

Jason357 10-11-2023 04:03 AM

Re: 19
Excellent, please continue

JoeWhite1 29-02-2024 05:50 PM

Re: 19
While I wanted to continue to sit beside grandad clutching his now deflated cock in my right hand and his cum slowly drying on my face, he shifted slightly and, removing my hand, he stood up. Then he walked to the kitchen and I could hear the sound of water running in the sink. I was about to rise and follow him but before I could move, he had returned holding a small towel we kept hanging in the kitchen to dry our hands after washing dishes.

I guessed that the towel was wet as he had said we should clean his cum from my face, and I was right. Grandad once again sat beside me, and without saying a word, put his left hand behind my head to apply some pressure as he gently wiped my face clean with the warm, wet towel in his right hand. As he did so, I closed my eyes to allow him to clean my face, but also to relive in my mind’s eye what I had just done, and how he had so obviously liked it. There was no doubt that he was not a passive participant because of how he had instructed me to move my hand and how he asked me to caress his balls. I knew that he had wanted me to wank him as much as I wanted to do it for him.

When grandad had decided that my face was clean enough, he moved to wiping my breasts and belly where some cum had dripped, and also some had dried from when he had cum previously.

Now it was my turn to relax and enjoy the sensation of his hands rubbing my sensitive nipples with the warm cloth. As he did so, I let him know that I liked what he was doing by closing my eyes, breathing harder and allowing little gasps to be audible.

Then as my grandad used the cloth to wipe my belly, I suddenly felt his mouth suck on my right nipple. The feel of his hot mouth on my breast sent a jolt of electricity through my body, and I could feel my already wet pussy start to gush.

“Grandad,” I whispered. “You are making me so wet that I’m afraid I’ll flood the sofa and we’ll never get the stain out of the cushion.”

Grandad released my nipple to reply. “Ok, lift up a little and I’ll put the towel under you. That should help to protect the sofa.”

I did as he suggested and pressing down with my arms, raised my body off the sofa. Grandad immediately slid the towel under my bum and made sure that it was in a position that would absorb any of the liquid that was seeping from my pussy.

While I was glad not to have to fear staining the cushion, I was also unhappy at no longer having my nipple stimulated. But I need not have worried because as soon as he had finished making sure that the towel was in the right position, grandad returned to play with my breasts.

I surrendered to the sensations that coursed through my body as his strong hands stroked, squeezed and played with my breasts. But I wanted more.
“Please grandad, suck them again. That felt so good. Please.” I could hardly wait for his hot mouth to bring me to the state of passion that I had felt before he placed the towel under me.

And I did not have to wait long before my grandad’s warm mouth encircled first my right nipple and then teased it with his tongue. The pleasure that gave me caused contractions to ripple down my tummy and reach my pussy.
Instinctively, I slid my left hand down to my pussy and felt how wet I was. With two fingers, I began to rub my clit gently, but as grandad suddenly bit gently on my nipple, I increased the tempo of my fingers until I was frantically seeking to reach that state of arousal from which the only goal was to cum.
But before I could feel an impending orgasm begin, grandad grasped my wrist and lifting my hand, prevented me from achieving my goal.

“Huh?” I gasped in surprise and annoyance. “What the…”

But I need not have worried because now grandad replaced my fingers with his own and began circling my clit. Now he was attacking my breasts and also my clit, so I simply relaxed and let the pleasure wash over me. By now, my pussy was soaking the towel with my juices, and I instinctively spread my legs wider as if inviting his fingers to penetrate me. And, just as If the invitation was understood, my grandad stopped rubbing my clit and slid his forefinger into my pussy.

The feeling of being penetrated almost caused me to clamp down on his finger, but instead I resisted the urge to squeeze my pussy muscles tight and relaxed to allow him to explore deeper inside me.

When I did so, my grandad whispered softly “I’m going to show you something that I think you will like.”

Grandad crooked his index finger and I felt it slid up to touch an area at the top of my pussy opening.

“This is where your G-spot is located. Have you read about the G-spot?”

I nodded. “But I don’t know what it feels like really.”

“Then relax and let me show you.”

And with that, grandad’s finger began to explore that area inside my pussy. The feeling was unusual, but suddenly I felt an extreme pulse of pleasure, stronger than any I had experienced when I rubbed my clit.

And then there was another and another as grandad gently rubbed his finger over that area.

I don’t know if I can adequately describe what that finger was doing to my body, but it was an intense and deeply pleasurable feeling. I felt a heightened sense of arousal and a buildup of tension that caused my body to thrash around as if I was being attacked by a pleasure machine. I was unable to control my body which felt as if it was dying from pleasure that was almost painful. I gasped, I groaned, I am sure I said ‘fuck’ a hundred times, until the build-up was followed by a sudden release of ecstasy. The orgasm was a deep, full-bodied sensation that radiated throughout my pelvis and was accompanied by intense waves of pleasure. I had never felt so incredibly satisfied, deeply relaxed and fulfilled.

Grandad slowly withdrew his finger as he felt me come down from the high of my orgasm. Then he opened his mouth and after sniffing it, he popped it into his mouth and sucked.

“Mmmm, you taste good. Next time, I’ll have to taste you more thoroughly.”

And he smiled at me as I looked at him through eyes that were half shut from the feeling of relaxation that my orgasm had induced.

My brain barely registered what he had said, but I was able to focus on the words ‘next time’ before I lay back on the sofa and drifted off to sleep.

kakalim 29-02-2024 11:37 PM

Re: 19
Welcome your update :)

mbhavana 01-03-2024 05:49 AM

Great writing. Would love to read more from you!

mensammy 12-04-2024 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by JoeWhite1 (Post 23113514)
While I wanted to continue to sit beside grandad clutching his now deflated cock in my right hand and his cum slowly drying on my face, he shifted slightly and, removing my hand, he stood up. Then he walked to the kitchen and I could hear the sound of water running in the sink. I was about to rise and follow him but before I could move, he had returned holding a small towel we kept hanging in the kitchen to dry our hands after washing dishes.

I guessed that the towel was wet as he had said we should clean his cum from my face, and I was right. Grandad once again sat beside me, and without saying a word, put his left hand behind my head to apply some pressure as he gently wiped my face clean with the warm, wet towel in his right hand. As he did so, I closed my eyes to allow him to clean my face, but also to relive in my mind’s eye what I had just done, and how he had so obviously liked it. There was no doubt that he was not a passive participant because of how he had instructed me to move my hand and how he asked me to caress his balls. I knew that he had wanted me to wank him as much as I wanted to do it for him.

When grandad had decided that my face was clean enough, he moved to wiping my breasts and belly where some cum had dripped, and also some had dried from when he had cum previously.

Now it was my turn to relax and enjoy the sensation of his hands rubbing my sensitive nipples with the warm cloth. As he did so, I let him know that I liked what he was doing by closing my eyes, breathing harder and allowing little gasps to be audible.

Then as my grandad used the cloth to wipe my belly, I suddenly felt his mouth suck on my right nipple. The feel of his hot mouth on my breast sent a jolt of electricity through my body, and I could feel my already wet pussy start to gush.

“Grandad,” I whispered. “You are making me so wet that I’m afraid I’ll flood the sofa and we’ll never get the stain out of the cushion.”

Grandad released my nipple to reply. “Ok, lift up a little and I’ll put the towel under you. That should help to protect the sofa.”

I did as he suggested and pressing down with my arms, raised my body off the sofa. Grandad immediately slid the towel under my bum and made sure that it was in a position that would absorb any of the liquid that was seeping from my pussy.

While I was glad not to have to fear staining the cushion, I was also unhappy at no longer having my nipple stimulated. But I need not have worried because as soon as he had finished making sure that the towel was in the right position, grandad returned to play with my breasts.

I surrendered to the sensations that coursed through my body as his strong hands stroked, squeezed and played with my breasts. But I wanted more.
“Please grandad, suck them again. That felt so good. Please.” I could hardly wait for his hot mouth to bring me to the state of passion that I had felt before he placed the towel under me.

And I did not have to wait long before my grandad’s warm mouth encircled first my right nipple and then teased it with his tongue. The pleasure that gave me caused contractions to ripple down my tummy and reach my pussy.
Instinctively, I slid my left hand down to my pussy and felt how wet I was. With two fingers, I began to rub my clit gently, but as grandad suddenly bit gently on my nipple, I increased the tempo of my fingers until I was frantically seeking to reach that state of arousal from which the only goal was to cum.
But before I could feel an impending orgasm begin, grandad grasped my wrist and lifting my hand, prevented me from achieving my goal.

“Huh?” I gasped in surprise and annoyance. “What the…”

But I need not have worried because now grandad replaced my fingers with his own and began circling my clit. Now he was attacking my breasts and also my clit, so I simply relaxed and let the pleasure wash over me. By now, my pussy was soaking the towel with my juices, and I instinctively spread my legs wider as if inviting his fingers to penetrate me. And, just as If the invitation was understood, my grandad stopped rubbing my clit and slid his forefinger into my pussy.

The feeling of being penetrated almost caused me to clamp down on his finger, but instead I resisted the urge to squeeze my pussy muscles tight and relaxed to allow him to explore deeper inside me.

When I did so, my grandad whispered softly “I’m going to show you something that I think you will like.”

Grandad crooked his index finger and I felt it slid up to touch an area at the top of my pussy opening.

“This is where your G-spot is located. Have you read about the G-spot?”

I nodded. “But I don’t know what it feels like really.”

“Then relax and let me show you.”

And with that, grandad’s finger began to explore that area inside my pussy. The feeling was unusual, but suddenly I felt an extreme pulse of pleasure, stronger than any I had experienced when I rubbed my clit.

And then there was another and another as grandad gently rubbed his finger over that area.

I don’t know if I can adequately describe what that finger was doing to my body, but it was an intense and deeply pleasurable feeling. I felt a heightened sense of arousal and a buildup of tension that caused my body to thrash around as if I was being attacked by a pleasure machine. I was unable to control my body which felt as if it was dying from pleasure that was almost painful. I gasped, I groaned, I am sure I said ‘fuck’ a hundred times, until the build-up was followed by a sudden release of ecstasy. The orgasm was a deep, full-bodied sensation that radiated throughout my pelvis and was accompanied by intense waves of pleasure. I had never felt so incredibly satisfied, deeply relaxed and fulfilled.

Grandad slowly withdrew his finger as he felt me come down from the high of my orgasm. Then he opened his mouth and after sniffing it, he popped it into his mouth and sucked.

“Mmmm, you taste good. Next time, I’ll have to taste you more thoroughly.”

And he smiled at me as I looked at him through eyes that were half shut from the feeling of relaxation that my orgasm had induced.

My brain barely registered what he had said, but I was able to focus on the words ‘next time’ before I lay back on the sofa and drifted off to sleep.

Bo liao ah... end of story liao ?

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